Join the Institute in Durham for our ‘Eve of Gala’ Rally

A fantastic way to start the Big Meeting weekend - don't miss it. 

21 Jun 2024| News

Join the IER at the Durham Miners Gala

Eve of Gala Rally: ‘A good deal for working people? Workers’ rights after the election’

12th July


Elvet Methodist Church, Durham DH1 3HL

Speakers include:

  • Sarah Woolley – Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union – BFAWU
  • Mick Lynch – National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT)
  • Lord John Hendy KC – The Institute of Employment Rights Campaign for Trade Union Freedom
  • Mick Whelan – General Secretary, ASLEF
  • Matt Wrack – General Secretary, Fire Brigades Union
  • Fran Heathcote – General Secretary, PCS Union
  • Gawain Little  – General Secretary, General Federation of Trade Unions
  • Steve Gillan – General Secretary, POA
  • Daniel Kebede – General Secretary, National Education Union
  • Andy McDonald MP
  • Chair: Carolyn Jones The Institute of Employment Rights