UK Hazards Campaign announces a manifesto for a health and safety system fit for ALL workers

'Decent jobs and decent lives' now available to download

21 Jun 2024| News

The UK Hazards Campaign has announced a manifesto for a health and safety system fit for all workers, which is available here.

The manifesto covers a range of topics including:  chemicals used at work; failure to address womens health and safety issues; the importance of public health and occupational health; air pollution, infection control, long covid, and directors being held accountable for deaths and injuries at work.

Janet Newsham, Hazards Campaign chair said:

In 2019, the Hazards Campaign produced ‘Decent Jobs and Decent Lives a manifesto for a health and safety system fit for workers’ (1).  This  provides a blue print for reviewing and reorganising our occupational health and safety enforcement authorities and reestablishing the principles of a precautionary, preventative and participative health and safety system with workers health as its priority.

In subsequent years, we have experienced the Covid-19 pandemic –  a catastrophic event which has laid bare the failings inherent in the current occupational health and safety regulatory system, with its inadequate officer force numbers, decades of financial cuts and political capitulation – on top of growing deprivation that contributes to poor worker health.  This is why we have updated and strengthened the demands in the original manifesto .”

Decent jobs and decent lives – A manifesto for a health and safety system fit for workers can be read via this link.